The Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession)
Is usually available on Tuesday evenings 6.00pm – 6.45pm and on Saturday mornings 9.20am – 9.45am.
Other times available by appointment with the Parish Priest
Before phoning the Parish office for an application form for Holy Baptism please consider :-
Have you chosen at least one suitable Christian name for your child?
Have you started to seek suitable Catholic Godparents who attend Church and will help to support your child in the way of Faith?
Are you attending Mass on a regular basis so you and your family become an integral part of the Parish community.
The Sacrament of Baptism is normally administered on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month or by special arrangement with the Parish Priest or the Parish Deacon.
Holy Matrimony
Please contact the parish office and make an appointment to see the Parish Priest as soon as you decide on your marriage. We like at least 12 months to process the paperwork and allow time for other things to be sorted for your special day.
First Holy Communion and 1st Reconciliation
The First Holy Communion Programme usually starts at the beginning of January with notices appearing in the Newsletter in September asking for registration etc. Your child should be in Year 3 at School and be regularly attending Mass with at least one parent for the past 12 months.
The Sacrament of Confirmation usually takes place either in St John’s Cathedral, Portsmouth or the Pastoral Area every 2 years.
Please check the parish Newsletter ( usually early September) for the time of registration – you should be a regular Mass attender and be in Year 8 at School or above. Adults who are considering Confirmation are to contact the Parish office for further details.