Q:Is there Wheel Chair Access?
A: Both Churches have Wheel Chair Access ( Washroom facilities are available only in the Church Halls)
Q:Is there Car Parking at both Churches?
A: Both Churches have limited Car Parking.
Q:Is there Safeguarding in the Parish?
A: The Parish works under the guidance of the Diocesan Safeguarding scheme. Parish Safeguarding – please contact Kathleen Flynn : safeguarding@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk
Q:Children’s Liturgy?
A: Children of Primary School age are welcome to attend Children’s Liturgy on Sunday morning – Closed until further notice.
Q:Hearing Loop System
A: A loop system is available for all services in both churches
Q: Can I join the Flower Rota Team/ Church Cleaning?
A: Yes – please contact the parish office.
Q: Can I become an Altar Server?
A: Yes – please speak to one of the Clergy.
Q: Can I read at Mass?
A: Yes – please speak to one of the Clergy.
Q: If you have a specific question please email the Parish Office and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Email: charminster@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk